A few weeks ago I was faced with what seemed at the time to be a cyber disaster. Someone had hacked into my email and sent my entire contact list an email with my signature, claiming that I was stranded in the Ukraine with no...

What Do I Do Now - Comforting the Mourner: Someone you know dies, and you find yourself instantly confronted with a plethora of emotions – you are sad, shocked, angry, confused. You want to help the surviving family, in fact you are desperate to support them...

Creating a Positive Reality is more in your control than you think. (Adapted from Mib Connections post written by Shari Reinhart) Ever wonder why: One person see the glass as half full while others do not? One entrepreneur push through rejection while others give up at the first...

Today parents are constantly bombarded with conflicting advice about what makes good parenting and what children need to grow up healthy. Despite a number of excellent books on the topic, parents often receive mixed messages about what is actually the best strategy to use when...

It's All Relative - Helping Children Cope with Death and Dying Having worked in the field of bereavement counseling for over a decade I thought I had pretty much understood the importance of involving children in the grieving process. Then one day a several years back,...

  A little over two years ago I had the opportunity to do some motivational counseling for professional boxers – heavy weight, middle weight, even some light weights who were part of Eye of the Tiger Management ( What was particularly interesting about these fighters is...

  Do you believe everything happens for a reason? I don’t. Yet, I have always been the type of person who analyses everything. I think if I understand the “why” of a situation then maybe I will be able to accept the “what” of it as...

People often get “stuck in the muck” of life. Something happens; a fight with a friend, a work related matter, or we become upset with the way a teacher/employer treated us and dwell on it. Then we dwell some more. Then we tell everyone we...

While summer is, by far, my favorite season, there is no question; I think Fall is the prettiest. As I watch the leaves change color, I begin to wonder: why can’t people be more like leaves?  Leaves change, they go with the flow, not only...

I have had the privilege of meeting with so many individuals who generously and genuinely shared their personal stories with me. We are all so different and yet we all seem to be searching for the same thing- happiness. Happiness in relationships, happiness at work,...