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SOMEONE DIED…NOW WHAT? MONTREAL BEREAVEMENT EXPERT LAUNCHES NEW BOOK I am thrilled to announce the launch of my first book “Someone Died…Now What? A Personal and Professional Perspective on Coping with Greif and Loss”, available on on May 24, 2015. Someone Died… Now What? is a GPS...

What Do I Do Now - Comforting the Mourner: Someone you know dies, and you find yourself instantly confronted with a plethora of emotions – you are sad, shocked, angry, confused. You want to help the surviving family, in fact you are desperate to support them...

Today parents are constantly bombarded with conflicting advice about what makes good parenting and what children need to grow up healthy. Despite a number of excellent books on the topic, parents often receive mixed messages about what is actually the best strategy to use when...

It's All Relative - Helping Children Cope with Death and Dying Having worked in the field of bereavement counseling for over a decade I thought I had pretty much understood the importance of involving children in the grieving process. Then one day a several years back,...