Happiness – It’s all about you

Happiness -

Happiness – It’s all about you

I have had the privilege of meeting with so many individuals who generously and genuinely shared their personal stories with me. We are all so different and yet we all seem to be searching for the same thing- happiness. Happiness in relationships, happiness at work, happiness with ourselves, our marriages, our children…Happiness is NOT a condition; one cannot suffer from happiness deprivation. If I have learned anything throughout my years of working with individuals and families, it’s that it’s up to us to create our own happiness… I know, easier said than done. It starts with you – it’s a classic blend of Dr. Spencer Johnson’s book “The Present” combined with Robin Sharma’s book “The Monk who sold his Ferrari”. Add in a bit of Rhonda Bines, The Secret, along with a plethora of other wonderfully written books about how to believe in yourself, your worth and your ability to live life to it’s fullest. It’s about prioritizing – what’s more important? Internal wealth or material wealth? It’s about accepting the things you cannot change and focusing on those that you can. It’s about giving up on the person you want to be rather than accepting the person you are. It’s about allowing others to define you instead of creating that definition for yourself.

There is no magic formula, you create your own formula that fits who you are, who you want to be and seeks the support and guidance from those who can help you achieve that. No cookie diet; no quick fix, you don’t even have to give up carbs… it’s time for an awakening… YOU know what’s best for YOU… where do you see yourself in 1 year? In 5 years? In 10 years? Make a list on the left hand side of the page, then on the right hand side of the page write down how are you going to achieve each item listed… then start with number one… if you have trouble with it, it’s either too much too fast or it’s not something you really want…

Caution: you may not achieve everything on the entire list, but you will have a wonderful blue print of objectives to try!